Snotrava Values & Code of Ethics


To create audio visual art that inspires positive change.


Our mission is to push creative boundaries and create exceptional work.


This value base is Snotrava and will characterize us as a company internally and externally.
It will guide how we select colleagues, find partners and otherwise fulfill our missions.
When the assignment is completed, we should be able to look back on
the value and compliance of these with pride and dignity.


As part of the Snotrava team I…

  • Constantly experiment with new ideas.

  • Am solution-oriented and think outside the box.

  • Make new paths rather than blindly following pop culture.

  • Ask questions and challenge how things have been done in the past.


As part of the Snotrava team I…

  • Put my pride in every mission.

  • Create results, regardless of assumptions.

  • Do things with accuracy and perfection, although no one notices.

  • Understand that I am what I repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.


As part of the Snotrava team I have the courage to…

  • Take on new challenges.

  • Stand up for my own opinions and respect others.

  • Express myself in my own way and on my own terms.

  • Think new and challenge society's norms, even if it may be controversial or unpopular.

By adhering to these values and code of ethics,
Snotrava is committed to upholding the values of integrity, courage, and innovation,
while delivering green and sustainable productions.

Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes the time.
Vision with action is what changes the world